What's this place made of?
For technical documentation on maps, see the Tilemap System document linked below.
Maps will come in a variety in Space Station 3D but can be categorized into 2 main types; station-like and planet-like.
Station-like maps ("Stations") are any map that is mostly made up of artificial structures and is NOT anchored to any larger cosmic body like an asteroid, moon, or planet. The only thing immediately outside of the artificial structure is the vacuum of space.
This includes, regular space stations, derelict/destroyed space stations, satellites, shuttles, or other ships.
Planet-like maps ("Planets") are any map that is anchored to a larger cosmic body like an asteroid, moon, or planet. These maps have walkable 'land' outside of the artificial structures and sometimes even an atmosphere.
This includes most of the typically mining locations, like lavaland, asteroid, or even
Because the stations in SS3D are user-created, they may be highly diverse in their shapes, sizes, and arrangement. Despite this, stations will likely share many similarities.
The first and most important thing to note about stations is that they truly are surrounded by the void of space. Therefore, stations must be equipped with facilities that allow the station to be inhabited by human life, such as:
Atmospheric supply system (network of pipes & machines).
Facilities for growing & cooking food.
Places for crew members to eat and sleep.
Places for emergency and medical treatment of the crew.
Ports for cargo & arrival/departure shuttles + emergency pods.
Sustainable electricity & gravity generators.
Work stations to perform tasks for NT (?)
Station designers may take great liberties in designing the placement of these systems, but they almost certainly must be present.
Additionally to the life-sustaining aspects of the station, it’s important to remember that the station is filled with work environments, where specific sectors have restricted access to specific crew members. Medical doctors probably don’t need to be in the hydroponics basin; cargo workers probably shouldn’t be dwelling in the armory.
Because of these factors, all crew members are equipped with an ID, which almost all airlocks in the station should be programmed to respond to.
A crew member without an ID may be heavily restricted by where he can go, as doors will simply refuse to open unless they can prove they has access. IDs may also serve the purpose of locking specific equipment, such as lockers & briefcases, to prevent other crew members stealing one’s equipment.
Unfortunately, most things on the station are breakable. This includes the structure of the station like airlocks, walls, floors, and windows. These can all be broken with possible devastating effects to the station's ability to sustain life, like sucking out the atmosphere if an external wall is broken.
However, all elements of the station can also be rebuilt or added upon, using a wide range of raw materials and fabrication technology. And as long as you have the gases to do so, you can repressurize the station if needed.
Tile Objects are what they sound like, objects on the tilemap. Most (if not all) objects are actually tile objects since they exist on the tilemap and are saved by it. The page specifies the details of some of the special Tile Objects.
Planets work on the same principle as stations, with a few differences.
The first one is that the map structure is no longer completely surrounded by a vacuum. There could be atmosphere on the planet itself, though it might still not be exactly breathable. For example, a planet completely covered in CO2.
The second one is that there is no longer a need for an artificial gravity generators. The gravity outside of the station might still be lower (or higher) then what the crew might find comfortable, but it's probably not going to be zero.
Next is power generation. Some power generators like solar panels may be less efficient in general and have less workable hours at all due to day/night cycle on the planet.
Finally, the station is going to be in a middle of some environment, be it a sea of lava, a blasted desert, a rocky mine or something else.
Airlocks are currently simply acting as doors that open when a player gets near and close a few moments later only if a player is not blocking it.
This automatic behavior will be used on some common area airlocks, but secured airlocks should require an interaction to open. Clicking on them with an open hand (if your ID has access and is in your ID slot OR in your PDA which is in your ID slot) or a hand occupied with your ID that has access OR PDA that has ID in it.
Upon opening, green lights illuminate.
Upon opening, red lights illuminate.
When idle (either opened or closed), the lights turn black.
Airlocks make some sound when opening and closing.