Defining what a release version means.
The release naming is defined by gamestate
In which the rules are:
Soon we will move to automated releases much like many of the SS13 servers and such. First they will likely start off as monthly releases but after we gain a lot of momentum we will eventually move to nightly releases.
These will be registered as hotfix releases. Devs will still be able to push manual releases at anytime for hotfixes as well.
The progress bar of Space Station 3D.
We use milestones to track large achievements of development. Our GitHub Projects page tracks the individual tasks in our active milestone(s). The milestones are defined below.
Purple - indicates the milestone is completed. Green - indicates the milestone is in progress. Yellow - indicates the milestone is on GitHub but NOT in progress yet. White - indicates the milestone is only be theorized at this point and will be elaborated on in the future as we get closer to it.
Reminder that our milestones are synced with our release versioning for easy tracking, link below.
(We will add GitHub links to the name of the milestones in the list below as they get added to GitHub.)
The rework is the first primary milestone. Its goal is to rework the structure (underlying aspects) of the game (such as networking, tilemaps, character movement, etc.), harmonize contributor guidelines and workflows, and porting over necessary systems.
The MVP is the goal to achieve a basic demo-like product to showcase a glimpse of our future game. It should include basic health & combat, crafting & construction, clothing, and shuttles.
When we really start to expand systems, add interactions, new content etc..
Now adding less core but still crucial systems, and expanding previous systems.