Add system outline here.
The code for item sprite generation is not made by one of our contributor as far as I know. You can find it in RuntimePreviewGenerator static class. there's a link toward github not functionning anymore. The code is quite complex and not clearly documented.
The idea is to take an item, set up a camera so that the item is well centered in the camera FOV, make a render using the camera and putting it into a 2D texture. I don't know much more about it sadly.
For a list of current controls and control ideas see link below.
All implemented controls are (and must be) in Content/Systems/Input/Controls.inputactions
If you are not familiar with the new input system, here are two good guides for almost everything you might need.
After saving Controls.InputAction, it regenerates Console class in Scripts/SS3D/System/Inputs. You can use Controls class in your script by getting Input property in InputSystem through Subsystems.
All actions and action maps should be named in PascalCase with spaces between words. (Toggle Run, Snap Right, Snap Left, etc). Avoid long names.
All handlers, that subscribe to actions, have to contain InputAction.CallbackContext argument. Handlers have to be subscribed to actions in OnStart() and unsubscribed in OnDestroyed().
If you want to Disable/Enable some acitons (or action maps), use Toggle methods in InputSystem, otherwise, it will cause issues.
Input Consumption is enabled. It means, in actions with modifiers you have to press modifiers first and binding last. This feature prevent multiple actions from being performed unintentionally (For example, if you have E action and CTRL+E action and you pressed CTRL+E, E action won't be performed).
Technical documentation regarding the functional systems of Space Station 3D!
Information and documentation regarding the functional systems of SS3D.
This space is for the technical documentation relating to game systems, for design documentation use the link below.