The examine system uses an exotic way to pick up items. The selection system uses a shader based method. A special camera renders the screen by defining for each object on scene which are selectable, an unique color. Then, the color under the mouse is picked up, and is used to find the game object with the unique color.
Examining is a fundamental mechanic of SS3D and relies on a clever way to defines which objects should be examined. Check the How it works page.
To make an object examinable, you'll need to add at least two scripts to it. Selectable.cs, which will allow the Selection system to pickup the object. SimpleExaminable.cs, which will allow to give a name and a description to the object.
SimpleExaminable ask for a scriptableObject, you'll need to create it in Assets\Content\Data\Examine\String. For that you can right click in Project and choose Examine. You can then add a reference to the newly created asset in the examinable object.