Joining a server

For the purpose of debugging (maybe even playing some day), this page explain how you can join as a client in a SS3D server, in or outside the Unity editor.

We don't have the SS3D Hub yet, so this is only valid before we have that.

Using the .bat file

First, launch a server by following instructions on the page Hosting a server.

Assuming you built the game and have a SS3D.exe file in the Builds folder, you can simply double left click on the Start SS3D Client - GhostOfBeep.bat to launch a client, with GhostOfBeep as a username.

Using the Command Line Args

This is only applicable for Built Executables.

Open a command prompt in your project's path to the Builds/Config, and run the following command changing the fields appropriately.

start SS3D.exe -ip=serverAddress -ckey=clientUserName -skipintro

This will launch the client, replace clientUsername with your username and replace serverAddress with the desired server address, you can use localhost or for a local server.

Using Application Settings window

This is only applicable when using the Unity Engine to join a server, which should be avoided if you're not developing.

You can set the Network Type to Client, the Editor Server Address to the desiredserver IP, or your local IP ( if hosting from the same machine, and the Ckey to your desired Ckey.

You can hover the parameters in Application Settings to get a description on what it does and how to use it.

Last updated