Using GitHub

Git Clients

To get a hold of the project, you need a git client. Git is the software that manages the source. GitHub is the website that we use to host it. If you are new, GitHub Desktop is easiest for beginners.

Our Repositories

The game repository is the only primary repository the most of the contributors will be working on. The game is made by a collection of both artists and coder, the two groups couldn't do it without each other.

Forking the Repository

To start contributing via GitHub, first you should fork this GitHub repository, using the 'Fork' button in the upper right corner of this page. Naturally, this requires a GitHub account. You will commit your changes to your fork and then make a pull request to merge it into our repository. Learn more about pull requests here.

Over time your fork will become outdated as the main project's repository continues to be added upon. GitHub has made a pretty clear guide on how to sync your fork, to keep it up to date with the SS3D repository.

Reporting Bugs

Before reporting a bug, please check the our issues to see if the bug has already reported.

If you are unfamiliar with issues, GitHub has a helpful guide here. Use one of the templates when creating your issue, as the information it requests helps you help us help you more efficiently.

Explain the problem clearly and include any additional details to help maintainers reproduce the problem:

  • Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue to identify the problem.

  • Describe the steps to reproduce the problem as specifically and detailed as possible.

  • Describe the behavior you observed and point out the problem with that behavior.

  • Describe the expected behavior that should happen instead.

  • Include pictures/videos to show the steps taken to demonstrate the problem.

  • Include your game version and OS to help track if the problem is version specific.

  • Include your game settings to help track if the problem is settings specific.

  • If you're reporting a game crash, include a crash report with the error log. It's location depends on your operating system, so follow this official guide.

  • If the problem isn't triggered by a specific action, describe what you were doing before the problem happened.

Pull Requests

Pull requests allow the maintainers to review any changes and verify they are wanted and don't break anything in the existing project. Similarly to issues, you should use the template when making a new PR and provide as much detail as possible.

  • Pull requests should merge into the develop branch.

  • The title and description should be clear and concise.

  • If the PR is attempting to fix an issue, reference the issue number in the PR description ("Fixes #number").

  • Include pictures/videos in your pull request whenever possible.

Assigning Issues

Our GitHub issues can be self-assigned using basic commands (see below). This is helpful for contributors to claim an issue without the assistance of a maintainer.

Type the following command as a comment on the issue in question. Assign me - assigns you to the issue. Unassign me - unassigns you from the issue.

Commit Messages

  • Use the present imperative tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature", "Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...").

  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or less.

  • Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line.

Last updated