Using containers in game

Once your container is all set up, you can use it in game, here's how you can do it with different container set up.

Toolbox Container

First we set up a container for the toolbox. This container is called TOOLBOX, it's interactive, it has an UI, it can be opened/closed, we can only store things in it when it's opened, we choose a small size for it 5x5, it hides items and it attach them as children game object to the toolbox.

Right click on the toolbox with a free hand (you can't open something with something already in your hand), you should see the interaction radial menu :

You can then select "open TOOLBOX", which should visually open the toolbox.

Once opened, new interactions are available, such as closing the toolbox or viewing it's content.

If you choose view, the container UI will appear :

You can then grab an item with left click and left click or drag the item sprite in the container.

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