Technical Implementation

This page describes some of the inner workings of the tilesystem

Setting up a new TileSystem

In order to create a new tilesystem, you need to create a new GameObject in a scene and add the following scripts:

  • TileSystem

  • TileResourceLoader

Furthermore in order to use the creator, you will need to add the ConstructionMenu prefab to the scene.


When playing in runtime, the TileSystem will automatically try to load a saved tilemap from the StreamingAssets folder and recreate it using ScriptableObjects found by the TileResourceLoader.

Internal structure

When placed, the tilemap uses the following structure to keep track of all tiles. Ranked in order from the lowest element to the highest:

  1. PlacedItemObject - This script is attached to every itemthat is spawned on the map. Ensures spawning/despawning and is always attached to a GameObject.

  2. PlacedTileObject - This script is attached to every object that is spawned on the map. Ensures spawning/despawning and holds references to any adjacency connectors. Always attached to a GameObject.

  3. TileObject - This class represents a single object on a single layer and can contain one PlacedTileObject. So for each tile position in the world, there is are (number of layers) amount of TileObjects. Not attached to a GameObject.

  4. TileChunk - A chunk represents a 16 by 16 grid of TileObjects for each layer (16 x 16 x num of layers). Chunks are not really used at the moment, but have to potential to benefit networking and loading for massive maps in the future. Created as a GameObject as a parent to PlacedTileObjects.

  5. TileMap - Holds a dictionary of chunks filled with TileObjects and a list of PlacedItemObjects. The later are not position bound so are not part of a chunk. Created as a GameObject as a parent to chunks and items.

  6. TileSystem - The system to hold TileMaps, and serves as the main interaction point to place and remove items/tiles. Only a single instance of the TileSystem can exist.

Other parts of the system

  • TileResourceLoader - Reads and holds the ScriptableObjects for each item and tile that can be placed. Used by the TileSystem to figure out what object is placed.

  • Saved-X-Object - Used to hold the state of the corresponding class/struct and is serializable. Used for saving and loading.

  • BuildChecker - Used to validate combinations of placed objects and can check whether an object can be placed. For example, no objects can be build on the Turf layer if a Plenum is missing.

  • SaveSystem - Generic save system that is used for saving and loading of the tilemap from and to a file. Uses the StreamingAssets folder so that builds also receive it.

  • TileMapCreator - Used as an in-game editor for placing and removing tiles/items and saving/loading. Is networked so that clients are also able to work on the map.

  • GhostManager - Used for construction as part of the TileMapCreator to create a "ghost" object to see where you are building.

  • MultiAdjacencyConnector - Used for connecting walls and tables together. Keeps track of which neighbours it is connected to and will replace and rotate meshes accordingly.

Last updated