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The traits system is a simple way of checking for basic properties in objects.

Ideas for Traits can be found here.

Traits can be used to check for basic properties by name, like what category an item is part of or what permissions an ID Card holds, they can also be separated into categories, currently there are just two, "None" and ID Permission.

Item Traits and Filters

You don't have to set anything up, just name the Trait, first be certain there are no other traits in the project with the same name.

To create a trait go to Assets/Content/Data/Traits, right click and go Create -> Inventory -> Traits -> Trait.

Filters are used by container to filter which items can be stored inside them, they check for traits in the items for that.

To create a filter go to Assets/Content/Data/Filter, right click and go Create -> Inventory -> Traits -> Filter.

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