Adding game modes

This page describes how to add a new game mode with it's set of objectives

Creating a new game mode is generally simpler than adding an objective, you just have to create a new class inheriting the Gamemode class with a CreateAssetMenu property and... that's it! you don't even have to add any code to it unless you want to change something about the internal working of gamemodes, which is beyond the scope of this guide.

Let's recreate the Nuke gamemode as an example, first go to Assets > Scripts > SS3D > Systems > Gamemodes > Modes and create the new class there, we'll call it NukeGamemode.

Now we just have to create the ScriptableObjects for the game mode, for that we go to Assets > Content > Data > Gamemode, we'll need multiple scriptable objects for each game mode so it might be a good idea to make a new folder for each game mode, so we'll create a Nuke folder for ours.

First we need to create a GamemodeObjectiveCollectionEntry, which is used to control how the objectives will be distributed to players, to create one we right-click and go Create > Gamemode > GamemodeObjectiveCollectionEntry, we then have to set it's properties, we do it as follows:

  • Gamemode Objective: the actual objective's ScriptableObject.

  • Assignment Probability: the probability of the objective being assigned to a player.

  • Remaining Assignments: how many objectives of this type can be assigned.

After that we need to create a GammodeObjectiveCollection which is a collection of objective entries that a game mode can assign to players, to create one we right-click and go Create > Gamemode > GamemodeObjectiveCollection, we then just have to put all of the objective entries into the collection's list.

We now have everything set up to create our actual gamemode's ScriptableObject, for that we right-click and go Create > Gamemode > Modes > NukeGamemode (the name of your gamemode), we then just have to set up it's name and it's GamemodeObjectiveCollection.

Done, the game mode is completed, to test it we just have to go to the GamemodeSystem game object in the Lobby screen and set the round's game mode to ours.

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