Characters are the different types of entities. Basically all forms of life, both organic and artificial. This includes:
Vehicles (yes even vehicles are considered entities because they are driven by humanoids the way the brain/soul "drives" a humanoid body. vehicles can also be autonomous)
Players can control essentially any entity in the game, to different extents. But most of the time, most players will be playing as a humanoid, while the others are less common for various reasons.
Player CharactersNPCs can also control essentially any entity in the game given we are able to program some decent AI for it.
Though the traditional game flow of SS13 doesn't require NPCs for humanoids, cyborgs, AI, or blob; because these roles are able to be filled by players.
Based on the traditional game flow, we only need NPCs for animals/creatures and robots.
Later in development it would be nice to have AI for the others though as to expand gameplay options or even able to player solo/small stations.
NPCsLast updated