Wire Adjacency Connections

Wire connections use the “Wire Adjacency Connector” script and, like the name implies, are unique to just wires. Wire connections are some of the most unique types of connectables. Wire connections can have several variants on a single tile, can cross over each other, and even have diagonal variants.

The “O”, “U1”, “I1”, and “L1” shapes here are the same as the basic connectables but the rest are unique and defined below:

U2 - An odd “U” type variant which has its connection to the northeast instead of to the north.

Broken1 - A special “U” type variant. Simply a broken version of “U1”.

Broken2 - A special “U” type variant. Simply a broken version of “U2”.

V - An odd variant which has 2 connections, at adjacent corners, by default the northeast and northwest respectively.

I2 - An odd “I” type variant which has 2 connections at opposite corners, by default the northeast & southwest respectively.

L2 - An odd “L” type variant which has 2 connections, 1 to a side and 1 to an adjacent corner, by default the north and northeast respectively.

L3 - An odd “L” type variant which has 2 connections, 1 to a side and 1 to an adjacent corner, by default the north and northwest respectively.

L4 - An odd “L” type variant which has 2 connections, 1 to a side and 1 to an opposite corner, by default the north and southeast respectively.

L5 - An odd “L” type variant which has 2 connections, 1 to a side and 1 to an opposite corner, by default the north and southwest respectively.

Wire connections do not have “T” or “X” shapes, but instead they create these shapes by using multiple “L” shapes that are on the same tile that are rotated accordingly.

Wires can cross over each other similar to pipes, but wires can do so in many configurations.

A cross over is anywhere wires clip through each other in the middle of a tile. They are technically still isolated circuits until properly connected.

Properly connecting wires is done by having 2 (or more) wires connect at the same connection point. With 8 connection points (4 corners & 4 edges), there can be up to 7 wires connecting to the same point on a single tile.

Wires also come in a variety of color variants. Different colors can connect and cross, the only real issue with this is that the clipping of models is more noticeable when using multiple colors.

Wires, like pipes, can also be destroyed and will leave behind broken ends in any direction there is a connection.

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