Body parts volume

This data is useful as it gives us some rough rough idea about things such as the volume of blood in a given body part, if we make the simple approximation that blood quantity is homogeneous in the body (obviously untrue, but good enough for SS3D).

Using those sources, we can approximate the volume for each body part :

For the torso and its organs :

  • Total Torso = 50 % of 65L = 32.5L

  • Heart = 0.3 L

  • Lower and upper Intestines = 1 L each

  • Liver = 1.5L

  • Lungs = 0.7L each

  • Stomach = 2L

  • Total volume of Torso without organs = 32.5 - 0.3 - 1 - 1 - 1.5 - 0.7*2 - 2 = 25.3 L

For the limbs :

  • left/right arm = 4% of 65 L = 2.6L

  • left/right hand = 1% of 65 L = 0.65L

  • left/right leg = 14% of 65 L = 9.1L

  • left/right foot = 2% of 65 L = 1.3L

For the head and its organs :

  • total head = 8% of 65L = 5.2L

  • Brain = 1.3L

  • Eyes = 0.03 L each

  • head without organs = 5.2 -1.3 - 0.06 = 3.8L

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